
Land Of The Rough – Dead Fly Buchowski

Label: Beggars Banquet

It used to be that every band in Scotland sounded, in one way or another, like Teenage Fanclub. Even Idlewild got there in the end you’ll notice. Of course that’s not exactly an all encompassing truth, anymore especially, since we’re sure there are trainee Franz Ferdinands throwing out their Travis pin badges and cluttering up rehearsal space the length and breadth of the country. But wait, here comes the second band, after Biffy Clyro, to sound a bit like Biffy Clyro! And that’s practically a scene, isn’t it. Dead Fly Buchowski might not have Biffy Clyro’s giddy lip-frothing excitement, occasional cross-eyed outlook or potential to be painted in emo colours, but they do have respect for the dirty riffs and Seattle circa 1989-1994. 

Little time is wasted before the ‘Bleach’ is cracked open, in fact. Opening track, gruff and fairly decent current single ‘Russian Doll’, immediately casts chunky chords about, knocking each other out the way like reasonably even fuzz-dominoes. Before it’s out though we’re given a brief taste of something a bit purer, from the ‘Sabbath stable, by way of shrill guitar harmonics and thundering depth charge drums. It’s a theme that rears its head further down the line with some wailing on ‘Ground Nero’ that Ozzy probably would piss on if it were on fire. But with track 2, ‘Been Down Before’, we’re straight back on topic with Roddy Campbell going all Eddie Veddar over a grindier ‘Even Flow’ bout of riffing.

Occasionally though you’re reminded a little much of failed blues hypes the 22-20s, especially on so-very-nearly-a-ballad-that-Zippo-have-set-up-a-shop-over-the-road ‘Didn’t Hear You Right’. If this album has one great weakness, and in spite of a number of enjoyable romps it does, it is that they don’t seem to believe in or be dedicated to any cause or calling as all the aforementioned bands and leaders undoubtedly were. Of course they’re not going to unearth hidden treasure, break a new hole in the ozone layer, whatever. But they could at least knock back a tin of Irn Bru and pretend they’ve just discovered the elixir. Like a confused dog, they bark constantly, but at what?

Release: Dead Fly Buchowski - Land Of The Rough
Review by:
Released: 09 May 2005