
33Hz – 33Hz

Label: Outlook Music

The lowest note on a piano is around 33hz. It’s not the only interesting thing about this band. But it’s close.

Picking up where Wham, Hall and Oates and Prince (during his Purple-rinse period) left off, vocalist Benny Lo and the boys have crafted an album that artfully reproduces the electro-funk of the mid-nineteen eighties right down to the billowing shirts, the bouffant hair-styles, and the leg-warmers. It’s danceable, gently erotic and as packed with perky pop bombshells as a bagful of party-poppers. Some folks might recall that Southern Fried’s Spacecowboy dished up a similar vintage Prince-fix with his reworking of ‘I Would Die 4 U’ a couple of years back and tracks like ‘Crazy All The Time’ with its bubblegum vocals, its squidgey, flanging bass and parping brass noises exacts a similar brew. It’s far from unsavoury, but by that same token, it’s far from original. The Scissor Scissors at least manage to bring a dose of surrealism to the task. For 33hz, however, it’s almost total recall and no amount of John ‘Jellybean’ Benitez dance signatures and kooky synths really make up for a clear lack of innovation.

Release: 33Hz - 33Hz
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Released: 04 May 2005